Haven Church is partnering with the Family Radio station. We are asking that during the month of August you consider donating…
new jars of Peanut Butter and Jelly
All donations can be brought to Haven Church.
Last year, the First Annual PB&J Drive helped stock the shelves of Feed My People Food Bank in the Eau Claire area. A total of approximately 6,000 pounds of peanut butter and jelly were collected across Wisconsin! That’s enough PB&J to make over 96,000 sandwiches and reach a height of 1.38 miles when stacked on top of each other.
This August, there is once again a community food drive to collect peanut butter and jelly! Our goal is to provide Feed My People with one of their most requested products that is high in protein and shelf stable. The Drive will run from 8/1/2024 through 8/31/2024.