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Wednesday Night Programming

  • Acres for Joy E3130 County Road HH Eleva, WI, 54738 United States (map)

Haven Church is committed to providing opportunities for children and families to grow deeper in their faith. This fall, a program for all ages will be starting up! The goal of these evenings is to allow people to meet others from Haven Church and grow closer to each other and Jesus! Come for the meal and stay for the teaching! Can’t make the meal? No worries! Come to the teaching.

Who: Adults, Families, Children, Middle School Students (Confirmation), High School

Dates: Wednesdays from September 14th - October 19th (We are hoping to continue something similar to this after these six weeks finish)

Time: Meal 5-6pm, Programming 6-7:30pm

Location: Acres for Joy - E3130 County Rd HH, Eleva, WI 54738

Meal Cost: Meal ($5/person, $20/family); Meals will consist of a main dish, salads, and desserts. Meals will change each week based on the volunteers preparing the food.

Curriculum: Rick Warren 40 Days in the Word curriculum (free will donation)

Children: Birth - 3yrs old (Nursery in House 6-7:30pm); 4K-5th Grade (Craft/Video/Animals in Craft Barn 6-7:30pm); Middle/High School (Rick Warren curriculum in/near main building 6-7:30pm)

We are asking that you commit to attending every Wednesday night if possible. We understand that things happen. If you miss one or two, we understand. We need to know how many people to expect in order to plan for seating, meals, curriculum and leaders. We will be planning other Wednesday night options once this six-week curriculum has been completed.

Let Us Know You’re Coming! RSVP Below.

List none or NA if not needed.

September 11

Outdoor Worship at the Rooney’s

November 12

Confirmation Graduation Ceremony (8th Grade)